It's almost time to start the sunday evening chores.....ironing, ironing and a bit more ironing!
The weekend has flown by, but then I always find that happens when I'm in front of the PC for most of it. I really need to sit down and start beading as I have orders to meet and long make list that isn't going to get done on it's own!
I did have a good afternoon taking pictures of my latest projects to see how best to go about providing a good picture to go with some (yet to be thought out) marketing.
Last night there was a meteor shower (v. late) so there were some shooting stars, or falling stars as they are also know. Brilliant!
Prior to a bit of star gazing we caught the evening showing of Pirates of the Carribbean, which was quite entertaining....I really must watch the first one again- maybe the ending might make a little more sense that way :)....perhaps I'll do that whilst ironing...
Anyhow - ironing can't be put off forever.....can it?